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When is the right time to consult a Psychologist?

Hi to all the readers who are about to read this article.I am sure, this question crosses every person’s mind when thinking about consulting psychologist. Though there can be no standard answer, choosing the right time will always be a subjective decision and choice.

A psychologist can help you cope with adjusting to the hustles of any new milestone in life. I am taking a small hypothetical scenario here.For example, some students struggle in making new friends and balancing studies in college.

That one moment when you decide to take responsibility for your mental health is the best time.

Situation 1 :You can consult a psychologist and share your specific concern about new adjustments.

Situation 2 : You can choose to keep struggling with the same issue for another year. Until it starts impacting your mental health, you try to fit in with the wrong choice of people, fall into peer pressure, unable to concentrate on studies, grades start to drop, college is almost about to end now, and you are anxious about your future. Still not able to balance friends and personal goals.

Alternate Approach


In situation 1 you might not feel the need to seek help, thinking it is normal, everyone struggles and then it settles down.

In situation 2 at each step, you can reflect if you have managed to settle down and are happy with your choice or there is a scope to seek professional help.

A Psychologist can help you with the following.

  1. Build your confidence.
  2. Learn how to say no to friends for certain activities that may not align with your goals or values.
  3. Become aware of why you delay some subject’s assignments and become nervous about class presentations.
  4. Manage your time and lifestyle habits.
  5. Learn to resolve interpersonal conflicts at home and outside
  6. Take care of your physical fitness

Now it is up to the individual how early they want to give importance to their mental health and seek help. It can be step1 or the worst-case scenario where you might start thinking nothing is working out, and I am tired of experiencing the same turmoil due to the stretched problem.”

Find out how therapy can help you come out of your problems.