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How to Build Resilience in Kids and boost their confidence?


1. Encourage problem-solving:Instead of giving all the answers give them the language to solve their problems.For example, you can say I Don’t know and ask them what would you do to solve the task. Creativity also promotes this skill in them

2. Ask How Not Why Questions: Asking why questions, when kids make mistakes, does not make them realize their mistake or learn from it. Instead of asking How can you fix the mess will encourage them to think to find a solution to the problem

3. Exposure to fearful situations: Kids, if not encouraged, tend to avoid difficulty or develop certain phobias if not provided gradual exposure to the feared situation with support. With the right kind of acknowledgment from parents, kids feel more empowered when they overcome their fears.

4. Express your confidence in their ability to cope: When we believe our child has the capability to overcome the obstacle, the child will tend to believe it too and develop a sense of mastery and competence in their abilities.

The belief is communicated through our words and actions. Let them stumble and fall, reassurance from your end will strengthen their confidence to again get up and walk.

5. Model Resilience: The best way children learn is through observation and imitation of their parent’s coping behaviors to cope with stress and obstacles. We cannot expect them to act calmly when we remain anxious in front of them.

Resilience can be learned, let them see how you cope with disappointments, normalizing these difficulties makes them feel more secure and open to model similar behaviors in future challenges.



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